Langley's Finest Carpet Cleaners
You've got your god, your bad , and then you've got your pet stains.
Nothing takes the joy out of pet ownership faster than when Fido is using your dining room as his own personal latrine. Not to worry though as the majority of pet stains and odors can be taken care care of relatively our professional cleaners but you may have noticed that pet stains can be tough to clean up on your own. The reason for this requires a little chemistry lesson (and you said high school chemistry would never come in handy). Pet urine in liquid form is acidic, but when dry it leaves alkaline salts behind. What began as an acid ends up alkaline - this is what leads to a lot of confusion when using an over-the-counter pet stain removal product that may be designed for a wet accident but when used on a dry stain actually sets the stain and makes it virtually impossible to clean without calling in the big guns (that's us) - and vice-versa. Alkaline salts will actually pull humidity out of the air - this in turn reactivates the bacteria (and thus the smell as the actual odor is not caused by urine but by chemical by-products of the bacteria's metabolic processes). This is why you'll notice that basements tend to smell worse than other affected areas of the home. The bottom line is this - we know how to deal with Pet Stains and Odors - for us, it's all in a day's work. Call now - 778-800-2978 |